Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I need a vacation

Do you ever have days where you just want to escape to an island....just you, a hammock, and a margarita? Yep my friends, that is definitely one of those days today. Everything that couldve gone wrong has...or so it seems. My kiddo is sick. GREAT. I am feeling a little under the weather mentally. I have a lot of work to do but now have to take the day off. Fun stuff huh? I think I have to take the day off tomorrow too because the daycares policy is they cant be there for 24 hours after a fever. It will be nice to have a day off work so I can kind of unwind, but this isn't the ideal situation for me.

On the workout front, haven't worked out in a few weeks. What??? What happened to half marathon training? Well I still have 3 months so I am not too off track. I have just been dealing with the girls by myself, and quite frankly, I haven't had it in my to work out. I know we talked about excuses and how they suck and the people that use excuses suck. Well my friends, I suck! 

Eating has been okay. I finally got the scale down to 139! Go me. Last week I had a tummy bug, got down to 138. I spent the past few days eating junk, so I was up to 140.2. I hate being sick because afterwards I consume too many carbs to make myself not feel like crap. By no means do I count carbs, I just noticed that I do consume more carbs after I am sick. Sigh.

So here's my pity party post for the day. I am off to get the kiddo...and dream about a vacation.

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